Study abroad is an enriching and eye-opening adventure, where learning extends far beyond the classroom. The experience will expose you to new ways of thinking, living, and viewing the world. Benefits include the opportunity to learn about another culture firsthand. In our programs you can travel, fulfill major and minor coursework requirements, and develop new intellectual pursuits, skills, and perspectives. By living within another culture, you are likely to gain a new understanding of, and perhaps even appreciation for, the United States and its way of life. You can also expect to make friendships and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Employers increasingly seek graduates with global experiences, and a study abroad program will enhance your employability. International knowledge, cross-cultural communication skills, flexibility, resilience, and the ability to adapt to new circumstances are skills enhanced through study abroad that are important to employers in various fields.

All our programs are open to undergraduate and graduate students, from any major and level of study; however, you must be in good academic standing. Students from other colleges and universities around the nation are welcomed. Indeed, non-UGA students (as well as out-of-state students at UGA) pay only in-state tuition for all our study abroad programs.

Yes. In fact, our Spring Semester program in Australia and New Zealand is a perfect fit for freshman as you can take introductory level courses in Anthropology, Ecology, International Affairs and Geography. These courses meet core course requirements at UGA and they are courses that you may have to take on campus anyway!

In evaluating your application, the academic directors consider transcripts, the recommendations of professors and your personal statements. Each piece of the application is evaluated to help give a full picture of the person applying to study abroad. The directors take their charge seriously to select students who will take advantage of the unique academic opportunity each program presents and who will represent UGA well during their time abroad. It has been our experience that this takes a combination of proven academic ability and commitment to the particular academic focus area of the program. Students with concerns about their grades should use the personal statement to address this issue and make a strong case for their selection.

Yes. Contact our office for scholarship options. Also, tuition may be covered by the HOPE scholarship if you are eligible.

The inclusions vary for each of our programs, but in general programs include most expenses that you will incur while overseas (e.g. transport, group activities, many meals, accommodation, etc). All of our program fees include medical insurance. All students will need their own money for any meals not provided, course books, airfare, and personal costs (e.g., prescriptions, souvenirs, etc).

Some of our programs can be very popular, and we can never be quite sure which ones will be popular in any given year! So you are always better off to apply as early as possible. Generally, our application deadline is about 2-3 months prior to the start of the program.

We stay in a range of accommodations from family-run hostels to hotels and sometimes, in remote locations, permanent tents (with electricity). The accommodations are safe, secure and clean, but you should be comfortable sharing rooms with other students. In some programs, a homestay (e.g., a village in Fiji) is included.

Because students depart from locations across the US and often have different travel plans (e.g. wanting to stay before or after programs, etc), an optional group airfare is offered from the primary US hub to the South Pacific (Los Angeles). Typically, about 75% of all students take the optional group flight – contact our office for more details. Otherwise, you can arrange your own international travel.

Airfare from Los Angeles to Australia and/or New Zealand typically ranges from $1450 – 2000, depending on the time of year, routing (including stop-overs), and any fuel surcharges; however, flights are considerably more expensive during peak holiday periods.

All student international travelers are strongly encouraged to consider the medical aspects related to travel including acquiring travel related medications and updating any routine immunizations which may have lapsed after matriculation.

Individuals attending non-Georgia schools should ensure they have current MMR, TDaP, Hepatitis B and Chickenpox vaccinations which are admission requirements for schools operating under the Georgia Board of Regents.

Although immunization for Hepatitis A is not required by UGA for admission, it is recommended by our physicians for all international travelers regardless of your destination.

Additional immunizations might be warranted based upon your travel plans. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has an International Traveler’s Hotline (404-332-4559) where, by punching in the country code of your host country, you can get recorded information on vaccinations, food and water, and current health problems. Their website can also be a valuable resource:

The UGA Travel Medicine Clinic at the University Health Center provides personalized international travel consultations for students, faculty, staff and the general public. Information is provided on general health risks of travel, risks of contracting diseases related to international travel and methods of prevention, including vaccinations. The clinic also provides Yellow Cards and vaccinations against common diseases such as MMR (measles/mumps/rubella), influenza and Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. The clinic can provide prescription medications related to travel such as malaria prophylaxis, altitude medications and contingency antibiotics. This is a fee-per-visit service. Total charges will vary based on the number of vaccines needed, and must be paid by the individual traveler. Appointments are necessary, and students are asked to schedule at least 6 weeks prior to departure. Call 706-542-5575 for appointments and fee information or visit:

Visit Travel Health Online, a free on-line service, to review Destination Information including the health risks in your host country. See:

For more information about health and safety, including any required immunizations, contact the University of Georgia’s Travel Clinic at or call them at (706) 542-5575. You should also visit the Center for Disease Control website ( for the most detailed information.

The easiest and most efficient way to get money while in another country is with your ATM/debit card. Most cities have ATM machines and banks. Be sure to contact your bank and see about international agreements so you are not charged high fees. It is also better to not use your credit card for advances because these carry high charges as well.

Once you are overseas, it will always be much easier for you to reach your family than for them to reach you, particularly on the short programs that involve lots of traveling. A list of in-country contacts can be found in the back of the Program Manual you will receive once you are accepted. In all large cities, internet cafes and phone services are readily available.

Phone: 7.065.429.13
Room 102, Warnell Building 4, UGA.
180 East Green Street, Athens, GA 30602-2152