Program Overview
This 7 day program explores some of the most culturally and environmentally important regions of Hawaii in order to better understand how humans are responding to some of the globe’s greatest challenges (including climate change, loss of biodiversity, human and wildlife population capacities, over-tourism, and universal social welfare). Through field experiences, classes, and applied case studies/examples we investigate ways that people have historically managed their resources and how modern Hawaii is trying to position itself as a leader in alternative energy sources (such as wind, ocean thermal, and wave action) and biodiversity management.
An initial set of online pre-departure lectures and seminars (to provide background information) are given before we head into the field for our travels with UGA faculty, local instructors and field guides. Average temperature daily highs and lows throughout the program are 65/84F at or near sea level, but can be considerably colder at higher elevations. You can expect snow on top of Mauna Kea December – February. There are no prerequisites.
Program Itinerary
Click on the link below to learn more about the program itinerary
People, Planet and Profit FANR(ANTH/ECOL/GEOG/INTL 4271/6271) 3 credits (FANR 4271W meets UGA Writing Certificate requirements) There are no course prerequisites.
* 4271/6271 is cross-listed with ANTH (Anthropology), ECOL (Ecology), FANR (Forestry and Natural Resources), GEOG (Geography), and INTL (International Affairs). (Note: INTL 4271H replaces INTL6271.) Please contact your advisor to see which of our cross-listed courses will best fit into your schedule. The 4000 level courses are for undergraduate students and 6000 level courses are for graduates and honors students.
Program cost includes all accommodations, field excursions, cultural events, ground transportation, and virtually all meals. Tuition (HOPE/Zell applies and out-of-state or non-UGA students pay in-state tuition) and airfare are additional. We also strongly recommend purchasing trip cancellation insurance for airline tickets.
For UGA students (in-state and out-of-state) tuition for this program is included as part of Spring Semester (and tuition costs are the same regardless of whether you register for 7 or more credits in Spring; however, registering for more than 17 credits requires approval from your academic dean). Non-UGA students should contact Discover Abroad for more information.
Download the Estimated Costs for a more detailed breakdown.
Photo Gallery
“I had high expectations for this program, and they were certain exceeded. We got to see so many different areas, from active volcanoes to black sand beaches to the capital city, so I feel lucky to have been able to experience so much of Hawaii in a single week. The other UGA students on the trip really made it great – I came back with a new love for Hawaii, interest in sustainability, and friends who did it all with me”
Hallie Kielb (Spring Break, 2019)
“The people I met and the places I got to experience transformed my life in an incredible way. I feel like I see the world in a brighter light because of the experience I have had.”
Spring Break Participant (2019)
“This was a wonderful trip and I am so thankful that I was given the opportunity to attend. It has changed my perception of sustainability and helped reinforce thoughts that I’ve had while in the classroom. This is an experience that I will always carry with me!”
Sarah Lynn Bowser (Spring Break, 2019)
“I feel honored to be a part of this program because I’ve been able to see that we are a part of something so much bigger than we could imagine. I’ve gained life-long friends and meet so many wonderful and unique people along the way and memories to last a lifetime!”
Spring Break Participant (2017)